Social Skills Books
To Enhance Your Skills
How to win friends and influence people
Dale Carnegie's Classic book still is the original and one of the best books about social skills. This was the first book I read and I still use a lot of what he taught.
What a Gentlemen Would Say/Do
This is simply a book about etiquette, and it wouldn't hurt to know more about good etiquette when learning social skills. You never know when it will come in handy. There's probably tons of good etiquette books, but this is the one I found at a used book store.
People Skills
Robert Bolton really kicked it up a notch with this one. He dives deep into interpersonal skills and he has a lengthy section on listening skills which is just solid gold.
The Tao Te Ching
by Stephen Mitchell (translation) this one is actually an audiobook about zen and ancient eastern philosophy. I was blown away by the wisdom of this book. I've listened to it at least 20 times. Being more zen helps you to shrink your ego which will help you connect with others and the world at large. AKA The Art of Living
Body Language for Dummies
101 Ways To Make Great Friends
This is my book so obviously I'm biased but I include it because I did my best to break down what helped me the most in a simple and straightforward way for the reader that just wants to get to the point.